March 28, 2006

Fr. Thomas Hopko to Speak

Fr. Thomas Hopko, a well-known Orthodox author and speaker, will be speaking in Lima, Ohio on Wednesday, April 5. There will be a short service at 6 (or 6:30) then he will speak.

Lima, OH is about 3 hours away, but a few of us are already planning on going anyway! If you'd like to go, meet us at St. John the Forerunner at 2:30. We will car pool so please be prepared to help out with gas. You may want to bring some snacks as well due to the long drive both ways.

If you'd need a place to stay in Indy that night, arrangements can be made. If you have questions e-mail to If you can let me know ahead of time that you want to go, that would be great - if not, just show up! :)

What a great opportunity we have... I know I'm looking forward to it!

March 23, 2006

Phone Tree and Birthday/Name Day List

I would like to build a phone tree so we can call each other in times of emergency. Once called, each person will sign up to pray for an hour. That way we have someone praying at all times for as long as possible when something needing much prayer happens. If you want to be on this list, send me your phone number within the next two weeks. More details will follow once I have everyone's number.

Also, I will be putting together a Birthday/Name Day list so that we can all know each other's special days and wish everyone many years! Just send your b-day and Name Day to me and I'll add you to the list. If you do not know your Name Day, tell me your patron saint (be as specific as possible) and I will look it up (and let you know! :).

These are two ways we can grow closer as a community and have more opportunities to share the love we have in Jesus Christ.

Dinner and IMA

Let's Get Together!!!

What: Dinner then FREE visit to the Indianapolis Museum of Art
When: Thursday May 4Time: 5:30 - ?
Where: Meet at St. John's Orthodox Church parking lot and we can car pool.

I suggest having dinner at either Apple Tree Restaurant (American and some Greek food) or Banura 1 Restaurant (all Greek). They are both about 15 minutes from the church and the museum. They support Kinonia and are most likely owned by Orthodox people. If anyone has a preference or suggestion, let me know!

The IMA has free admission on Thursdays. In May, the gardens should be beautiful as well. It'll be a perfect way to fellowship and celebrate Christ's resurrection!

"Pink" Template

FYI - if anyone is concerned about why the site is "pink" (um... you guys maybe?) ... I picked it because it was the closest thing to purple that they had... and Lent is purple. :) So no complaining allowed.